PhD student Scholarship Sweden in Tribochemistry is available at LTU
Scholarship Sweden It is required to have a Master degree in Chemical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering. Additional knowledge in material science/engineering is of advantage.
Contact persons
Prof. Oleg Antzutkin, Chemistry of Interfaces, +46 (0)920-49 24 25, +46 (0)73-066 21 97,
oleg.antzutkin@ltu.se and Prof. Sergei Glavatskih, Div. of Machine Elements, +46 (0)920-49 20 22, segla@ltu.se
The Scholarship Sweden application package, marked with ref.no 776-11, including CV, copies of high school and university diplomas, other relevant documents and references should be submitted to Luleå University of Technology, Registry secretary, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden or e-mail to: registrator@ltu.se
Application Deadline : 1 May 2011
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