Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Postdoctoral Position in Geometric Reconstruction of Micro-sensors, University Grenoble I

Scholarships Sweden Some applications of this sensor has been developed in partnership with CEA Leti, in situations where the underlying geometry is restricted and partially known. The purpose of this proposal post-doc is to generalize the use of these sensors in more complex geometric reconstruction problems.
Each of these sensors provide access to the orientation (ie normal direction) from the surface of which has been placed, but does not provide information about absolute position. The Scholarships Sweden first objective is to decide concrete cases where a limited number of measurements is possible to reconstruct an approximation of the underlying surface.This means imposing restrictions on both surfaces that are considered families as well as on how they should be sampled. Family types could be considered for convex surfaces, developable surfaces or small deformation of the surface are known, etc. The Scholarships Sweden second objective is to propose and to implement reconstruction algorithms. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
Candidates who successfully obtained a PhD degree in computer science, and have expertise in geometry processing, computational geometry, geometric modeling or in the near field. Interest in algorithms and implementation is a big plus. This Scholarships Sweden position is for one year, and could start between September and December 2011.
More information about the position:
Quentin.Merigot [at] imag.fr
Luc.Biard [at] imag.fr

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